Category Archives: General

Tubac Car Show (23rd Annual Collector Car Show)

Saturday, January 28, 2015
Location: Tubac Country Club on the Driving Range Grass
This is the number one show for SAR Porsche participation! We’d love to see at least 50 Porsches this year at the event. We want a large turnout to support two Porsche Classes with three awards each!
Those two classes are:     Porsche 1999 and Older and Porsche 2000 to Present.
Complete information on the Show is contained in the Event Flyer and Registration Form that can be downloaded at

As in the past few years, the Car Nuts Friday evening BBQ will be held at the Tubac Golf Resort.  This is not an SAR event, but it may be of interest to some participants.Registration must be received by January 20, 2017!

You MUST bring your official confirmation card to the show.

Our SAR members will meet Saturday morning 7:30 a.m. at McDonald’s (I-19 & Irvington)  to sign waivers prior to departure to Tubac. The caravan will leave at 8a.m. SHARP! We should get to Tubac at about 8:30

We are happy to announce that Vickie and Richard Channell will once again be opening their home for an after-the-event party. Join in the fun.  Members will be sent an Evite invitation for this party. Please RSVP to the Evite not later than Jan. 23, 2017.

Questions about the car show? Please contact Tom Sherman.
If you have questions or would like to help out at the post party, contact Barb Crowley at

PCA-SAR Driver Education Inde Motorsport Ranch – Nov 11-13, 2016

Novice and experienced drivers alike will really enjoy this event. If you have not had your Porsche on the track you MUST have this experience. I encourage all drivers to seriously consider at LEAST one day at Inde, the best track in Az. Your smile will last until the next event, then you get to start all over again smile.  Don’t miss out on this once a year event at Southern AZ finest road course.  For the latest event information and registration please go to .


PCA SAR Adopt-a-Roadway – Nov 5

Date:  Saturday, November 5, 2016
What:  Orange Grove Road Clean-up, an SAR Community Service Event
When:  8:00 a.m. -10ish
Where:  Meet at Beyond Bread at Southeast corner of Ina and Oracle for coffee and pastries … compliments of the club.
Attire:  Please wear hard-soled closed-toe shoes (no sandals) and comfortable clothing. Please use sunscreen. Gloves and hats are recommended.

Note:  Cold water, safety vests and bags for the cleanup will be provided. This semi-annual beautification project is not very labor intensive and will only take about two hours of your time. It is a perfect way to get outside on a cool fall morning and enjoy the camaraderie with your SAR friends and our special cars.


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