Category Archives: General

Zone 8 Concours Judges School – March 18, 2017

Chandler Porsche   1010 S Gilbert Rd., Chandler, AZ 85286

The Zone 8 Concours Co-chairs, Betsy Wadman and Brett Mohr, will be conducting a Concours Judges school on March 18th at Porsche Chandler. If you are interested in becoming a judge at PCA Concours events, or if you need to renew your certification (judges need to attend a judges school every  three years), this will qualify you as an official Zone 8 judge.

Registration check-in is at 12:45 PM. School is scheduled to run from 1:00 – 5:00 PM. Participants need to bring their own clipboards and pencils, and plan on staying to the end for credit. Maximum attendance is 36, so be sure to sign up via MotorsportReg  to ensure your place at this event.  Go to the PCA-AZ Region website at:: for more information.

To register go to motorsport:                                                                                                        

Our friends at Porsche Chandler have generously offered to host this event. The dealership is located at the intersection of Gilbert Rd. and Pecos Rd. in Chandler. Jack Aman of the PCA-AZ Region is the event organizer.


the-reinkings-cropped-sept-2016-img_4953When looking back at the 50 year history of the Southern Arizona Region, the names of two people are very prominent …
Rink and Pati Reinking. It is with a heavy heart that I am informing you of the passing of one special member of that Reinking “team” … Pati Reinking.

Pati was a Lifetime Member of SAR. She and Rink were instrumental in its success. Some of Pati’s contributions included being SAR President in 1977 and again in 1985. (She loved to tell the story about presiding over her first meeting as President when the entertainment was belly dancers!) Early on, (1968-70 she was our newsletter editor.
She even designed our first SAR logo! She served as a Board Member four years, was Membership Chair (1989 and ’90), and was Social Chair in 1999 and 2003. She and Rink enjoyed all the benefits of club membership and participation … especially the social aspects and the life-long friendships it fostered.  We have such great memories of the fun times shared.

Pati had many talents. She was a gourmet cook and organized many SAR “Progressive Dinner” events. She was a renowned batik textile artist. She was also a creative jewelry designer. Most of you are well aware of her generous donations of  her pieces at Cinco and Holiday Party Silent Auctions.

A Celebration of of Pati’s life was  held on Jan. 4. So many of her PCA-SAR family turned up to share their memories. Pati would have liked this party … there were lots of great stories and lots more laughter than tears. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to either the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum or the Tohono Chul Park Botanical Gardens.

To SAR, Pati was an enthusiastic club supporter. To  recent club members, she was  welcoming. To long-time members, she was like family. To Rink, she was a soulmate. This creative, gifted, lovely woman will not be forgotten. She will be missed.

The memories of our times together
Will stay deep inside our hearts forever.

2016 Holiday Party!

image-252016-holiday-party-photos-by-g-morrisCheck out the pictures from our fun holiday party, 63 people attended! There was a silent auction and charity raffle for Holiday Food baskets.The custom entrees especially prepared by the La Paloma Country Club chef were  “Santa” Fe style. Everyone had a great time. Happy Holidays and have a happy and healthy New Year!

A big thank you to Garry Morris for taking great pictures! Click HERE to see them.

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