Category Archives: General

June 4, 2017

From the Presidentaxel_olsen

Well it’s here the official start of summer with the Memorial Day holiday marking that tradition. We had a fun and very successful winter and spring season that culminated with Cinco de Mayo, celebrated at the Casino del Sol. Those of you that participated in any or all of our activities enjoyed a fun filled variety of activities.

The planning and execution of all these events – running the gamut from driving events to Charity-focused silent auctions and Concours d’Elegance competitions – are the result of dedicated club members pitching in and working together.

We are truly an example of a highly successful organization – a direct result of our volunteer workforce. I say workforce because that is exactly what we are, a group of volunteers working together to achieve a common goal. We have no solution other than through volunteer efforts.

We have excellent leadership and participation by our members. That said, more often that not, we are relying on the same volunteers at each event. In addition we have new members that will participate in membership meeting or some other regular event and are never seen again.

Why is this? I want to hear from you. We, the current board and committee chairs, are committed to the continued success of the club – so let us know.

In 2017 we have the following vacancies for 2018 – we need volunteers for the following positions: Contact me – or any board member –now if you have an interest in learning more about these opportunities.

President                               Social Chair
Vice-president                       Historian
Treasurer                               DE Registrar
Cinco Chair

We are celebrating our 50th anniversary – let’s get together. Build on this foundation and help lead club to thrive in the 21st Century!

I know we all have a great time enjoying the camaraderie, showing our cars, driving our cars and most of all having shared experiences.

We have a fabulous opportunity in front of us. Our current leadership wants to pass along the knowledge gained through the years to a new set of team leaders. Imagine being part of a crew that puts on a successful event. It is challenging, it requires attention to the process, it is rewarding, and most of all at the end of the day

This is a car club let’s have some fun!

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