Category Archives: General

January 26, 2018

IMG_4087a Dave McCrory

It is with great sadness to inform our SAR family that David McCrory, the Parts Manager at the Porsche of Tucson dealership, has passed away. He had been there more than 20 years. Dave had a short but obviously serious illness that took him from us in early January. He will always be remembered for his friendliness and willingness to help.

A car show in Dave’s name is being planned by his family. The date is yet to be determined but SAR will keep you informed. In the meantime, any condolences to the Family of Dave McCrory may be sent in care of the Parts Dept. at Porsche of Tucson, 4690 E. 22nd. St., Tucson, AZ 85711. Please keep Dave and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Dave McCrory Memorial Car Show – March 10

In my father’s honor, we have coordinated a car show through his Jeep club (Over the Hill Gang) to be held at the Speedway Antique Mall on Saturday, March 10th. The event is from 5-9pm and is free. Location is 5045 E. Speedway Blvd. PCA-SAR and its members meant a great deal to my father. I’d like to extend an invitation to members to stop by and also show their cars if interested.

If you are interested, please contact me at so that I can get a car count and a space so everyone can park together.

Thank you and please contact me with any questions or if any additional information is needed.
Best, -Craig

Powered by Volunteers!

In 2017 PCA-SAR introduced Sign-Up Genius, an email registration service that allows members to easily sign up to volunteer for any of our varied events.


Our trial run with this program began with Cinco in May and continued with our 50th Anniversary party in September. With the successful response to this program, the PCA-SAR board will continue to use Sign Up Genius when asking for volunteers for specific events.


We feel that by emailing the volunteer opportunity to ALL our members we can reach out to everyone including those who cannot attend our monthly member meetings.


When you receive a Sign Up Genius email from PCA-SAR, it will have the event, date, time shifts, volunteer opportunity, and brief description of what is involved. To participate you need only check your selection in the activity box and add your name. You will receive a notification that you signed up and a reminder approximately three days before the event.


If you cannot or do not wish to volunteer for an event when you receive a message from PCA-SAR Sign Up Genius simply disregard the email and delete it from your mailbox.


A big thank you to our members who volunteered their time and skills and helped launch PCA-SAR Sign Up Genius by adding their name through this easy to use site.


Margo Nickel

Volunteer Coordinator

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